‘Going for the TOP’‘Going for the TOP’ / ‘Naar de TOP’ – Ronald Naar en Tilleke Lippmann

Het succesboek over coaching en management, engelse en nederlandstalige versie.
88 pagina’s tekst geïllustreerd met paginagrote full colour foto’s. Een inspiratiebron voor managers en coaches: expeditieleider Ronald Naar neemt u mee op tocht met statements over
Team Building, Leiderschap en Coaching.

‘Going for the TOP’ is a stylish piece of work. It contains 88 pages with full colour on each spread. The book is both a jewel for all mountaineering fans as well as a source of inspiration for anyone who wishes to enhance their team-coaching skills. The most famous Dutch mountaineer and photographer Ronald Naar compares his leadership of expeditions as a metaphor for coaching and management issues. His success is based on a combination of unconventional insights and a strong analytical ability.

Prijs EUR 24,95 (incl. BTW en verzendkosten in Nederland)


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